Sep 25, 2013

Home Sweet Home

The roof leaks, the floor creaks and there’s a terrible draft. I still call this place home though and there isn’t anything else that can replace it. It’s not much but it’s really all I have. People may think it’s just a hole in the cursed earth, but after you get around the rough exterior its not too bad of a place.  It’s hard to have a place feel like home after what has happened, but the little things are what make it special. Sleeping under Ol’ Glory every night just feels right. Also having my own bed to sleep in at night is a luxury.
Home Sweet Home

            I feel safe in these walls. It’s as if I think no one will ever find the place. I keep the door padlocked, but that wont to stop a tweaked out bandit from ripping the door to shreds. That’s why I’ve rigged the place with traps. Sure it’s like playing twister on the way in, but at least one trap will get triggered and that should be enough.

Scavenger Hunt

Scavenging is the most important part of the day. It’s kinda like my job. I usually spend a few hours looking for almost anything. You never know what be useful cans, blankets, string everything can be used for something. In fact after it all went down the government pretty much abandoned us. If there was any government left, they weren’t worries about us. So that left us with coming up with our own currency. Besides bartering and trading, it seems like nuts are the currency of choice. It’s always important to keep a wrench and screwdriver on hand; you never know when you’re going to have to disassemble something.

            The wasteland is full of goodies. Checking every broken down shack and every broken down store is crucial to survival. It’s not always easy when you’re out in the barren land. Everybody wants something and everybody has something that you want. That’s why I always carry Sharon when I go out. Sharon is really the only one I trust. She’s the best thing I could ever want. She doesn’t speak unless I tell her to, she protects me, and she’s extremely beautiful. Sharon is the only one for me.
Sharon- My love

The Outside

I think I saw a two-headed lizard today. The radiation does some pretty crazy stuff after a while.  The other day there was a cow that looked pretty normal. I snuck up on the poor girl and
Crazy stuff out in the wasteland 
was about to make a nice steak out of her, but I noticed the utter had like 10 different nipples. Now I’m no farmer or cow expert, but I think that’s about 6 nipples too many. You got to be careful with the stuff you put into your body. Everything’s pretty much soaked in radiation, so ingesting that stuff will kill you faster than a bandit on speed. The animals are quite an attraction to the wasteland. If you are lucky enough to avoid the mutant bears that stand 12 feet tall, then you better keep an eye out for the man eating bobcats.
The outside world is a scary place. There aren’t any rules or law enforcement, people do want they want when they want. Groups like to form together and make little bandit gangs. They’ll take everything you’ve got including the clothes off your back.  If your lucky they’ll kill you quick, I’ve heard stories of some groups that will keep you as pets, others will just eat you.

The wasteland holds lots of surprises. It’s the people I’m more afraid of though. Animals only want one thing and that’s food to eat. People on the other hand want everything and that scares me a whole lot more.

Does this thing work?

This stuff is gold
Wow a computer! I haven’t seen one of these in a long time, well at least a working one. I remember these things, the hours I would pour into looking at cats in boxes and shopping.
That was all a long time ago though. Before it all happened.  I think it was around 10 years ago, at least that’s how much older I feel. Haven’t got the same spring in my step or it could be the squirrel diet that I’m on. Kinda cool to have power again, course it has to be used sparingly so that I can run the important stuff. I’ve got a gas generator hooked up to my little safe house. So for now I’ve got some light and a little hot plate going. Who knew a little heat and these canned beans taste like some gourmet chef made them. Anyhow this ancient computer is sucking up all my juice, I better turn it off so I can have some hot water.